The amazing dancers from Red and Ginger
On stage at Nottinghams Vintage Carnival on the 2 September, dancers and audience alike certainly looked like they were having fun!

The amazing dancers from Red and Ginger
On stage at Nottinghams Vintage Carnival on the 2 September, dancers and audience alike certainly looked like they were having fun!
Pretty much the first day of Summer saw Charli and I heading to Birmingham to try and take advantage of the weather. The light was pretty unforgiving it was harsh, bright and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. One of those days when you envy photographers who have the huge scrims and portable shades – the ones you only need for 5 days a year in England and today was one of them!
We started off at the Canal Basin behind the Mailbox, and took a couple of quick snaps:
As the light was getting harsher and harsher we dived into the nearest subway for a quick bite to eat and a throw away comment lead to us heading to Coventry Railway Station, yes the backdrop to many an expensive fashion shoot…..
Whilst we were shooting these we were approached by the station staff and asked if we were shooting for Virgin Atlantic as Charli was ‘wearing the uniform’
Charli had been sponsored in the Miss Every Model competition by She asked me to shoot some promo pictures for both her and their use and as Charli is a total pleasure to work with I agreed.
We used Spencer Park in Coventrys’ Earlsdon area, and whilst the sky was a glorious blue it was bitterly cold. I had of course read the weather forecast and was wearing my shirt to bask in the promised 15 degrees of heat…..note for future – do not trust BBC weather forecast!!
Black and white gives drama with the clouds menacing in contrast to the carefree image portrayed by Charli
lies a land of ice and show, with ice queens and characters from faery stories…it’s real you know. You just have to believe..You know you want to believe ..
But without imagination – what do we have left??
My model for the day was the lovely Suzie Parsons and it is very hard to believe this was pretty much her first shoot. It is also a testament to both her and mines sanity that we both drove along icy country lanes and almost got stuck in a car park that was more akin to an ice rink in order to get these images. However we both agreed the risk was more than worth it!
Tell me, do you dream in colour and if so what colours……