Pretty much the first day of Summer saw Charli and I heading to Birmingham to try and take advantage of the weather. The light was pretty unforgiving it was harsh, bright and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. One of those days when you envy photographers who have the huge scrims and portable shades – the ones you only need for 5 days a year in England and today was one of them!
We started off at the Canal Basin behind the Mailbox, and took a couple of quick snaps:
As the light was getting harsher and harsher we dived into the nearest subway for a quick bite to eat and a throw away comment lead to us heading to Coventry Railway Station, yes the backdrop to many an expensive fashion shoot…..
Whilst we were shooting these we were approached by the station staff and asked if we were shooting for Virgin Atlantic as Charli was ‘wearing the uniform’
Studio Shenanigans
Once again I borrowed the lovely Charli Lambert for a quick shoot in Andy Baines studio B72 Imaging we were joined by Dave Piper and had a play with Andys new striplight and Dave bought along the Nikon D3s and the Sigma D15 for us to have a look at. Both very different camera’s (none of the pictures below are taken with them). The Sigma produces lovely sharp images and is an excellent studio camera returning crisp realistic tones and if you have not already bought into one of the existing brands is well worth a look. Remember the previous comments I made on the Sigma 50mm?
I shot a few images of Charli with the Striplight either camera left or boom mounted above, with the light feathered to accentuate her features. The striplight was from Bessel and is a cracking piece of kit and very affordable – a lot cheaper than the OEM equipment and of a similar quality. One word of caution and this applies to all makes, the striplight is a large softbox, and boom mounted it does sway a fair bit – make sure you counterbalance it (and remember to attach the power lead before putting it in position!)
I want that dress!!
Charli had been sponsored in the Miss Every Model competition by She asked me to shoot some promo pictures for both her and their use and as Charli is a total pleasure to work with I agreed.
We used Spencer Park in Coventrys’ Earlsdon area, and whilst the sky was a glorious blue it was bitterly cold. I had of course read the weather forecast and was wearing my shirt to bask in the promised 15 degrees of heat…..note for future – do not trust BBC weather forecast!!

Black and white gives drama with the clouds menacing in contrast to the carefree image portrayed by Charli
Of Stripes and Bars
I would love to say that the day started off with gorgeous sunshine and a blue sky littered with fluffy white clouds. However this is England and it rained, not just rain but that heavy driving rain that starts off by soaking you and then sucks the life from your very veins…..vampire rain, yes it is vampire rain.
My model for the day was the delightful Charli Lambert who is an absolute treasure to work with and a natural fashion model, requiring very little direction and is one of the politest people I have ever had the good fortune to work with.
The shoot was styled by, and make up provided by Leanne Hume of leanneelisabethstudios.
So youve seen the stripes, why the reference to Bars……nope nothing to do with windows, merely the location we chose for applying make up was a bar in Coventry 🙂
Through The Wardrobe
lies a land of ice and show, with ice queens and characters from faery stories…it’s real you know. You just have to believe..You know you want to believe ..
But without imagination – what do we have left??
My model for the day was the lovely Suzie Parsons and it is very hard to believe this was pretty much her first shoot. It is also a testament to both her and mines sanity that we both drove along icy country lanes and almost got stuck in a car park that was more akin to an ice rink in order to get these images. However we both agreed the risk was more than worth it!
Siberian London
Clothes Show Live – The event
This years Clothes Show Live ran from the 3rd to the 7th December and included the Dance Show 2011. Fashion and Dance have always seemed to be common partners through the ages and this years show showed that it was still true today.
The show hosted a number of celebrities ranging from Holly Oaks to Towie (The Only Way Is Essex) and designs from most of the major high street brands. Remember this is a show for the people rather than the High Couture of say London Fashion Week. That’s not to say the quality of items was in any way less, all the big names were represented and dotted around the stalls there was some amazingly talented designers. Amongst the College and University stands there was a small offering from recent graduates, which included one that particularly caught my eye and that was gunsmoke and lavender which I can easily see becoming a brand to be reckoned with.
The mainstage show, sponsored by Suzuki, is one of the largest catwalk shows I have ever witnessed, I am reluctant to call it a show as it is really a production, with different sets, themes and dance to illustrate the clothing being presented.
Kimberley Wyatt, who most will recognise from the Pussy Cat Dolls appeared with her new band ‘Her Majesty and the Wolves’ and I have to admit put on a great show and I did like her music. She also appeared very sweet at the earlier press call.
Amber Foxx – the tractor files
After discovering that Pocket Wizards made location shooting so much fun, it seemed only fair to subject Amber to even more location work!
In order to minimise the discomfort I chose the windiest day of the year, on the premise that we would be inside for the shoot….totally forgetting the fact that most barns are not that windproof, doors have a habit of being blown open and that using a 5ft umbrella on your main light source also makes an impressive kite…
However the images turned out nice, the umbrella…well that is no longer as round as it once was….but seeing as it only cost £7 I am not too upset at that.
Clothes Show Live 2011
Clothes Show Live 2011 looks to continue building on the success of previous events. This year sees it partnering with the Dance Show and between them will have something to offer every Fashionista out there whether they are 6 or 60 plus!
The official website is a buzz with events and information and is well worth checking back on a regular basis as they keep adding more and more content. The recent shock departure of ‘The Risk’ from the X-factor has been to the Clothes Shows advantage and they will be playing on the Sunday.
When you are walking round it is worth keeping an eye on the crowd as quite often you can spot celebrities and stars wandering around meeting fans and taking in the unique atmosphere.
One of the most exciting things is the main stage catwalk show, here your senses are assaulted by the amazing clothes, the dance routines and accompanying music. How they manage to change clothes so quickly, dance and make it all look effortless is beyond me! I’ve seen a lot of shows and these have yet to be beaten – each year seems to better than the one before.