Recently I have ventured out of the studio and the plain white background that usually features in every studio shoot. There is a whole world out there that needs exploring and using. However lighting it is a whole different game. In a studio you have pretty much total control over every aspect of lighting, where it comes from, how much, what shape everything is within your control. Then you get on location… it’s windy, the sun moves, it changes colour, you get clouds when you don’t want them and none when you do!
One option is to invest in a set of pocketwizard flex’s these are expensive but such a joy to use. Unlike cheaper radio triggers in that they work in full ttl mode. This means that you can let the camera set the power outputs for you – each flash thinks it is sitting on your camera. Now you may think this limits your creativity but there you are wrong, for a few pounds more they sell the AC-3 which is a zone controller. This clever little device gives you total control over the power of the zones you have set up. Want that flash a bit brighter, a bit less or even off? all easily controlled on top of your camera – none of this trekking to each light, adjusting it, checking it, re-adjusting it. Worth every penny for its ease of use