Author Archives: Paul

Canvas for Cliches

This is a new company I recently worked with and this came about through a good friend of mine Jo Spurr asking for my help working with a new model Elizabeth Bishop. Canvas for Cliches have a website as well as a blog I look forward to seeing my images there soon. As with all things the client chose different pictures to the model who chose different images to me. However the client always retains priority on images chosen – whether the shoot is TF or paid.
Beth in Birmingham Beth in Birmingham Beth in Birmingham

LDW Atelier

Had the great pleasure of working with this designer for his show case show and met some lovely designers and models there too.Who can forget the cheeky girls? Who in all honesty were actually lovely and not in the least cheeky!! Millinery for this show was provided by the very talented Ilda Di Vico, you have probably seen her designs at Ascot and high class weddings 🙂

Cheeky Twin!LDW design

LDW designedLDW designed